Patricia Darquea of ShadyPaws Sunshades speaking on behalf of animal cruelty awareness at “World Dog Day” in Hollywood, Calif.

July 15th, 2016|Press Videos|Comments Off on Patricia Darquea of ShadyPaws Sunshades speaking on behalf of animal cruelty awareness at “World Dog Day” in Hollywood, Calif.

Patricia Darquea, CEO & Woman Corporate Owner has been honored by the NWBOC prestigious certification – ShadyFace

Patricia Darquea, CEO & Woman Corporate Owner has been honored by the NWBOC prestigious certification. Woman Inventor, Manufacturer, Business Owned & Operated Corporation of ShadyFace Sunshades, Inc.

June 8th, 2016|Press Videos|Comments Off on Patricia Darquea, CEO & Woman Corporate Owner has been honored by the NWBOC prestigious certification – ShadyFace
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