During this vacation, we had spent many afternoons on various beaches struggling in the sun with our e-readers …
ShadyFace, Inc. CEO & Corporate Owner Patricia Darquea, honored with this certificate for operating …
Patricia Darquea eats, sleeps and breathes her …
Patricia Darquea – Women Inventor, Manufacturer and Founder of ShadyPaws Portable Pet Canopies earned the honor …
Keep your head and upper body cool while protecting and blocking the sun’s harmful rays.
A low lying, flat folding, lightweight, aerodynamic, canvas portable sunshade.
All electronics can now finally be read outdoors for shaded viewing when using all multimedia apps.
Shadyface Creator
Patricia Darquea – Founder and Inventor
ShadyFace,Inc. ® | ShadyPaws,Inc. ®
International Shade Protection Corporate Brands
US20140150837A1 | Utility
US 29455754 | Design
Patricia Darquea eats, sleeps and breathes her determination to succeed. She’s created a successful business, including philanthropy as part of her business plan. Not because she should, but because it is a part of her as a human being. She shares her “Aha moment” story that came to her at a time unexpected…. The answers are always there; you just need to open up and see them.
Making a difference in this world is a desire. It’s an instinct to do something great for mankind. It’s a passion one is born with. You eat, sleep, and breathe your determination to succeed. My journey in life began on a path, as a professional public speaker, a spokesperson who represented a multitude of corporations throughout the United States alongside some of the country’s most influential executives. As I first began my career, I didn’t realize that every step I took or person I met was a building block or link to complete my full circle of who I am today. All encounters, experiences, and people you meet are meant to be within your life and within your destiny. Everyone’s path throughout life is predetermined. What really matters is what you do with your skills, the people you meet and the positive accomplishments you bring along the way through your journey in life.
This voyage that I found myself on as the inventor of the ShadyFace Sunshade brand was actually thrown at me like a life preserver, a curve ball which happened to me a few years ago after a near fatal accident.
Today I realize my life was spared for a reason…..
Through my corporation, I’m able to dedicate my life to my true passions. My passion and purpose is to assist and help children with life-threatening illnesses and to help animals that need to be rescued. Through my business endeavors, I’m able to help others who are vulnerable and in need.
ShadyFace Corporation donates ShadyFace Sunshades to the Ronald McDonald House for auctions and fundraisers. The money raised goes toward medical bills and housing families so they can be close to their children as they undergo medical treatments. We donate our ShadyPaws Sunshades for fundraisers to the Humane Society in Santa Clara, Riverside Sheriffs K-9 Department and support rescue homes and “no-kill” shelters which rehabilitate animals from the hands of the abusers like The Vanderpump Dog Rescue Foundation and “Stop Yulin Forever”.
Proceeds of our ShadyFace Bluetooth Speakers apply to The American Families of Fallen Soldiers and financially assist women’s charities like Women Like Us for a better life…for a second chance.
I have learned the importance of perseverance to invent a product and the value of what takes to give back to society. For the first time ever in the manufacturing industry, ShadyFace Sun Protection Portable Technology Canopy Sunshade Products offers the solution to the problem by offering instant, portable shade for furniture, the ground or when at sea! The only technology canopy entertaining all ages under every ShadyFace Sunshade with the patented ability to view all electronic tablets or phone screens “hands-free” when relaxing outdoors….
I’m proud to follow my “American Dream” by putting something on this earth which fulfills a purpose, provides a solution and offers a positive element for the world to enjoy! – Patricia Darquea, CEO and Founder
Patricia Darquea – Women Inventor, Manufacturer and Founder of ShadyPaws Portable Pet Canopies earned the honor of receiving the APPA Certification for her accomplishments by manufacturing responsible pet care products in this leading trade association consisting of growing business enterprises worldwide.